The NBC protective headgear fitted with the CRU-80/P filter and dark visor.
During the mid '80 - early 90's, Swiss AF evaluated a number of Chemical/ Biological Warfare (CBW) pilot protective systems.
The main evaluation criteria the chem/bio protection effectiveness and the compatibility/ integration with aircrew and aircraft operations.
Among the systems taken into consideration were Swiss Huber+Suhner SM90 protective mask, British AR-5 and CLARE (at the time under development); US made M43, MC-2/P and PIHM (Protective Integrated Hood Mask) / TAERS (Tactical Air Eye Respiratory System).
The MBU-13/P full-face mask - CRU-80 /P filter was considered as an "off the shelf" option in order to have comparative parameters.
Together with the MBU-13 / CRU-80 assembly, crew wore an HGU-39/ P helmet.
The helmet shell is the same as the SPH-4 one, without visors, as the NBC mask prevent their use.
Accordingly, it was possible to install, on the mask assembly, a dark visor provided with velcro fittings.
Because of the test results, most likely also for technical, logistical and financial reasons, none of the evaluated systems was put into service.